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Three years after Brussels, the World Congress is heading to Berlin!

Find the proceedings of the 7th Congress online to relive the rich debates, the words of the experts and great witnesses, and the film of this major abolitionnist gathering.  Three years later, after a health crisis that has had a heavy impact on human rights around the world, the fight for universal abolition continues: ECPM is preparing the 8th edition of the world’s largest abolitionist event in November, in a new host country: Germany! According to Ramla Liatouji, coordinator of the 7th edition and the upcoming 8th edition, there is great ambition to “rekindle the abolitionist flame” and continue the journey towards universal abolition.

In-depth work with young adults is already well underway thanks to the “Abolition Now Tour” project, which has visited no less than five out of the six retentionist countries on the agenda: Morocco, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Indonesia, Lebanon and the United States. A call to international sporting bodies was launched during the Beijing Olympic Games to further explore the issue at the Congress. Other key players to be mobilised in the near future will be those from the private sector; ECPM has already joined the #BizVsDp campaign of RBIJ (Responsible Business Initiative for Justice) to remind companies of their responsibility in the fight for human rights.