Educational presentations
ECPM has designed workshops to raise awareness on universal abolition of the death penalty, led by trained volunteers from the association. The workshops give students an understanding of the reality of this cruel and inhuman punishment through educational videos, films, games and creative activities. In a second phase, a guest witness presents his or her testimony; this is always a person who has been affected by the death penalty (former death row prisoner, family member, lawyer, activist, etc.). Each presentation allows time for discussion and reflection with the students, which usually leads to them expressing their increased awareness and gratitude.
Educational tools
ECPM has created ready-to-use educational tools for teachers, adapted to class levels and subjects. These teaching modules, available in the form of exercises and answers, are designed to help teachers address the issue of the abolition of the death penalty independently with their classes, while respecting the French national curriculum. These educational tools are free of charge and available to teachers of English, Art, Civic Education, Spanish, French and History-Geography.

Young people get involved
Discover the results of work carried out by students, who received support from ECPM to create their own awareness-raising material on abolition. These publications, which give a platform to youth, then relay it to adults so that their awareness is raised in turn, are the voice of a new generation that is 100% abolition!

At the international level
The Teaching Abolition International Network was founded in 2018 by a dozen human rights organisations from 10 countries around the world. The network aims to unite civil society actors who carry out activities teaching abolition to young people; to promote an exchange of good practices; and to help set up common educational tools that can be adapted to different settings. The network has gradually developed around the notion that activities to teach abolition should stimulate and promote young people’s civic commitment.

In pursuit of this objective, members jointly decided that the network’s priority action would be the organisation, every two years, of the international drawing competition “Draw me abolition”.