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The primary strategy of ECPM, from its creation in 2000, was clear: to strengthen the cooperation of abolition actors in order to accelerate the universal abolition of the death penalty.

As a federator of civil society through its triennial congresses and coalitions against the death penalty, ECPM is today a privileged partner of States and parliamentarians in order to effectively advocate against capital punishment.

In order to accelerate the universal abolition of the death penalty, ECPM builds on its founding mission: to combine the strengths of abolitionist actors: members of civil society, politicians (executive and legislative), judicial actors (bar associations) and international and regional institutions.

ECPM’s position on the international abolitionist scene, the fact that it is the only French-speaking structure specialising in the issue of the death penalty, and the primary objective behind its creation give it real added value in ensuring the coordination and cooperation essential to international and national initiatives.

Our networks

ECPM seeks to foster effective partnerships through the creation of local, regional and international coalitions and networks and the development of their capacities.

ECPM organises regional and world congresses to bring together different abolitionist actors and to include non-conventional actors in the movement, to allow them to meet and to offer training on specific themes related to the death penalty (counter-terrorism, drug control, mental illness, media, migrants and minorities, etc.).

ECPM is a founding member of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, an international network of over 160 associations, bar associations, local authorities and trade unions.

ECPM has created and supports the development of the International Abolition Education Network as an incubator of innovative ideas and a vehicle for good practice in abolition education and the promotion of global citizenship among young people.

ECPM facilitates the work and transfer of good practice within regional coalitions: ADPAN (Asian network), French-speaking African Coalition, Maghreb network, or national coalitions (in all target countries).

ECPM also supports the creation and development of professional networks in its cooperation countries, such as networks of parliamentarians against the death penalty in order to push for legislative reforms and networks of lawyers against the death penalty in order to support its campaigns on prison conditions.

ECPM is a member of Impact Iran, a human rights advocacy network in Iran.

ECPM also helps to set up innovative networks led by its local partners, particularly with doctors (Morocco), educators (DRC) but also, depending on local dynamics, universities, judges, etc.

ECPM also actively participates in institutional networks for the defence and advocacy of human rights and international cooperation

ECPM is active with national platforms in connection with institutional interlocutors in France via Coordination SUD Coordination SUD and in Brussels via the HRDN network.

ECPM is a founding member, together with AEDH (Agir ensemble pour les droits de l’homme) and TDH-France (Terre des hommes- France), and holds the presidency of the French Platform of Human Rights NGOs (PDH) working internationally (28 members).