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DRC : 58 new death sentences

Façade ONU
Press release
Saudi Arabia : The international community sounds the alarm
24 July 2024
On July 4, 2024, the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted the report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of Saudi Arabia. ECPM co-signed a joint communiqué with several NGOs to call for concrete follow-up to this process.
Personne prenant en photo le globe gonflable
Press release
A new Consortium to fight against the death penalty
17 July 2024
Twenty-five abolitionist organisations and international NGOs, including ECPM, recently came together to form the World Consortium to Abolish the Death Penalty.
Sous le chapiteau de Concertina
Événement, Témoignage
Meetings of Concertina : ECPM first participation !
11 July 2024
Concertina is a week-end dedicated to the different types of imprisonment and isolation (custody, administrative, social etc.) and occured for the 4th time in a row on 28th to 30th June 2024 in Dieulefit (Drôme). Through a workshop led by Léa Créton, in charge of education projects at ECPM, and…
Assemblée générale ECPM
Event, In pictures
The new ECPM Board of Directors
08 July 2024
Four new members joined the ECPM Board of Directors at the association's General Meeting, held at its headquarters in Paris on 25 June 2024. They are Sandrine Ageorges-Skinner, Frédérique Delaugerre, Adriano Martin and Leïla Bordie-Randera.
Atelier Strasbourg groupe
Advocacy, Event, In pictures
« Advocacy and education for the abolition of the death penalty » : workshop occured for a second year in a row
04 July 2024
Organised by ECPM, the Council of Europe and the German Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, the workshop "Advocacy and education for the abolition of the death penalty" occured on 19th to 21th June in Strasbourg. It was the opportunity for about fifty young activists from 30 member states from…
Love is not a Crime - Pride 2024
Event, In pictures
Pride 2024 : A look back in images
01 July 2024
On last 29 June 2024, the Paris Pride occured with the call "Contre la transphobie : transsolidarités". A crowd of around 100 000 took part in the parade. Since the vote of the Anti-Homosexuality Act in 2023 in Uganda and on the eve of French legislative elections, ECPM staunchly stands…
Spot Abolition Peine de Mort en Tunisie - الغاء عقوبة الاعدام في تونس6 - CTCPM
Advocacy, In pictures, Testimony
International Day in Support of Victims of Torture : the opportunity to highlight the link between torture and death penalty
26 June 2024
The International Day in Support of Victims of Torture and the 40th anniversary of the United Nations Convention Against Torture are opportunities to remind that the death penalty is not compatible with the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. On this occasion, CTCPM and ECPM are…
Portrait Pepe Julian Onziema
Advocacy, Témoignage
“We know and take seriously our right to associate”: Pepe Julian Onziema and his staunch activism for LGBTQIA+ rights in Uganda
25 June 2024
Pepe Julian Onziema is a transgender man who has been advocating for LGBTQIA+ rights for over two decades. He proudly lives in his own country, Uganda. His work with Sexual Minorities Uganda earned him international recognition leading to his receipt of the Paris International LGBTQIA+ award in 2023. ECPM reached…
Couverture Rapport d'activités 2023
2023 Activity Report : activism goes on
17 June 2024
The publication of the 2023 Activity Report of ECPM is the opportunity to go through the association actions, in a context of a worrying increase in the number of executions since 2022, especially in states of the Middle East. In preparation of the next World Congress in Paris in 2026,…
In the field
Raising Awareness Among Young People About the Universal Abolition of the Death Penalty: Its Application in Iran and Against LGBTQIA+ People
13 June 2024
Du 13 au 31 mai derniers, ECPM, accompagnée d’Asal Asabian, a rencontré près de 200 jeunes collégien·nes et lycéen·nes d’Île-de-France. Asal Abasian est un·e journaliste queer iranien·ne, lauréate de l'initiative Marianne 2021, militant·e féministe et des droits des personnes LGBTQIA+. En partageant son histoire poignante et ses combats, iel a…